What are the ITONICS Idea Campaign Workflow Templates

ITONICS provides multiple campaign templates that help you get started quickly.

Each template serves a different purpose and includes a set of phases, phase descriptions, and To-Do's per phase that can be edited to match your specific requirements.

Note: this feature will not be automatically available to all subscribers and may be part of a separate ITONICS subscription plan. 

If you would like to test ideation, please get in touch with us via account_manager@itonics-innovation.com. 


ITONICS Idea Campaign Workflow Templates

💡Pro-Tip: By clicking on one of the workflow templates, you will be able to see more information about the template: available phases, the element type, and what will be collected, for example, ideas.


ITONICS provides the following templates currently:

Idea Funnel Template

The Idea Funnel workflow template is usually used for always-an campaigns, or also known as bottom-up campaigns.


Template description:

The Idea Funnel template is suitable for idea-generation processes that require in-depth analysis of each idea's potential. The template supports such in-depth analysis with dedicated phases that explore the potential market fit, technological capabilities, and business case. It follows a series of four phases (Submission, Concept Development, Implementation, and Run) and includes review gates. The template is best used after exploring promising opportunities. Winning ideas will finally result in new projects or company assets.


Phases included:

ITONICS Idea Funnel Template


Design Thinking Template

The Design Thinking workflow template can be used to solve complex problems creatively. This methodology is typically used for iterating on new ideas around a certain topic in a very user-centric manner.


Template Descriptions:

Design thinking is a methodology that puts user needs first in order to solve complex problems. It asserts that a practical, user-centric approach to problem-solving can lead to innovation. This method benefits customer experience and can increase a company's competitive advantage. Campaigns following this template should formulate one or many problems around a specific topic where ideas are gathered and iterated through the design thinking process.


Phases included:

ITONICS Design Thinking Template


Note: ITONICS is constantly working on providing more workflow templates. In the future, users will be able to create their own workflow templates.