1. Knowledge Base for your Innovation OS
  2. All You Need to Know as an Admin

🚀 Kickstart into your ITONICS Innovation OS

Bringing trends, opportunities, ideas, partners, and projects together in one space? Nothing is easier than that. Follow our guide and bring your innovation operations to the next level within 15 minutes.

Depending on where you want to start and what you expect, we recommend to you two different onboarding paths. Choose one and boost off:

Level 01 | Build your Innovation OS within 15 minutes

The easiest way to start in your ITONICS OS is by using our configured blueprints and content that has been built based on our experience. Just follow these 4 steps and invite your co-workers within 15 minutes to drive your innovation success.

Level 01 | Build your Innovation OS within 15 minutes

01 | Create your individual account and Innovation OS 

  • In a browser, navigate to https://itonics.io/id/register.
  • Here, simply enter your email address and continue. An email will be sent to your inbox to complete the registration process.
  • Hit the button in the email and fill out the form with a password, first name, last name, and accept the terms.
  • Next, you will be asked to name your organization, i.e., your system. You are also asked to provide a custom URL of your system.
  • The system will now be set up for you. As a first step, you can select an industry. Based on the industry selection, your system will be pre-filled with content relevant to this industry. (No worries, you can later see and select more industry content)
  • 🎉 Congratulations, the system has now been built for you, and you have your account as an admin of your Innovation OS. You are now in full control.
Build a trend and technology radar - specific to your organization

Build a trend and technology radar - specific to your organization

  • During the system setup process, a workspace has been created, and content (from your selected industry) has been added.
  • Navigate to the Explorer>All Elements to go through the list of content. 
    Hover over any content card and tick the white box in the top left corner of an element if you want to delete it. 

    💡 Pro Tipp: Use the filter "element type" on top of the content list and just start with trends and technologies.
  • If you want to go into the details, click on the title of a content card. Read through it and provide your evaluation under 'Rating'. Just hover over the slider and click on the correct value.
  • Once done, go to the radar and select the trend or technology radar.

    💡 Pro Tipp: You can combine the technologies and trends in one view when you adjust the element type filter on top and select both, technologies and trends. Under the configuration wheel, you can further adjust the radar view, e.g., choose another segmentation, color indication, or distance indication.
  • 🎉 Congratulations, you have now built your custom technology or trend radar.
Add your content Add your content
  • As you might have your content, you can easily add your custom trend, technology, or project content. Just go to the "Create" button in the left menu. Select the content category and enter the necessary information. After the creation, a specific profile for this trend, technology, project, or alike will be created.
  • You want to upload multiple content? Nothing is easier than that. Go to the top center of your screen and find the three dots, next to the bookmark icon and the search bar. Click on it and find the import option.
  • As another option, you can also explore technologies, trends, and inspirations from other industries. All this content is stored in the so-called ITONICS Showroom. To access it, go to the top left corner and find the term workspace. Click on it and select the ITONICS Showroom.
  • You will now be switched to another workspace that displays a different content set. it now displays all the ITONICS curated insights. Again, you can go through the list of content, and adjust the list by the filter and search options. When you find interesting content for your workspace, hover over the content card, find the white check box in the top left, select it, and hit the copy function that now appears on top. 
  • 🎉 Congratulations, you have now enriched your workspace with your content.
  • 💡 Pro Tipp: Of course, when you add your content, you should provide your evaluations of it.
Connect the dots

Connect the dots

  • The full power comes to an InnovationOS when you connect the dots, i.e.,
    1. how many of your projects relate to certain trends, technologies, or market opportunities you have defined?
    2. how can you create visibility on what everyone is working on or reading?
  • To make connections between the content elements, you use the relates to feature. Every content element has a relations section. Just find it and use the "relate an element" section. Nearby, you will also find a "recommended relations" section where the system recommends related elements.
  • To see all the connections, switch now to the network graph and see how every content element is connected within your workspace. 
  • 🎉 Exciting right? It is now time to add your co-workers to update on their projects, bring in their evaluation or content. Go to your individual account at the bottom left. Click on it and find the users and invitations button. From here, invite your co-workers to your organization. 
  • 💡 Pro Tipp: Of course, you should not only send a system invitation. Talk to them, chat with them, or send an email and explain why they have been invited to this system.

Of course, these steps are only designed to help you make your first steps. When you want to dive deeper and explore the other functionalities, check out the tools section 🔗.

Please note some of the features need a specific license. Also, the number of users is restricted by the license. Contact us at account_manager@itonics-innovation.com for any questions.

Level 02 | Build a custom Innovation OS that reflects your processes and innovation language

Please note that this plan is only available in the professional license package. Have a question? Contact us at account_manager@itonics-innovation.com for any questions.

A more sophisticated way to start in your ITONICS OS is by adjusting the system configuration directly to your processes and innovation language. The system allows you to design any workspace and content elements to what you need. 

This also means that you can deviate from the ITONICS blueprint configuration and bring your custom configuration to life.  Just follow these 4 steps and bring your innovation operations to one collaborative single source of truth.

01 | Create your individual account and Innovation OS 

01 | Create your individual account and Innovation OS 

  • In a browser, navigate to https://itonics.io/id/register.
  • Here, simply enter your email address and continue. An email will be sent to your inbox to complete the registration process.
  • Hit the button in the email and fill out the form with a password, first name, last name, and accept the terms.
  • Next, you will be asked to name your organization, i.e., your system. You are also asked to provide a custom URL of your system.
  • The system will now be set up for you. As a first step, you can select an industry. Based on the industry selection, your system will be pre-filled with content relevant to this industry. (No worries, you can later see and select more industry content)
  • 🎉 Congratulations, the system has now been built for you, and you have your account as an admin of your Innovation OS. You are now in full control.
Build a workspace

Build a workspace

  • During the system setup, one workspace with the name of your organization will be already created for you. Yet, you have the option to modify this or create even more workspaces. Find your account in the bottom left corner and click on it. Find the 'Manage Workspace' section and click on it.
  • Here, you will find the list of all workspaces. This is also the list from where you can add or update any workspace in the future. To update a workspace, click on the pen icon. To add a new workspace, click on the bottom right corner button "Actions > Create Workspaces".
  • In both cases, you can update/add the title, description, and change the visibility of the workspace. When you update a workspace, you can also change the users invited to the workspaces. When you add a workspace, you can select which element types should be available in the workspace.

    💡 Pro Tipp: If you want everybody in your organization to have access to a workspace, keep it public. If you want to restrict access, make it private and invite co-workers as needed.
  • When you have created your workspace, adjust the configuration to represent what you want to achieve with the workspace.
  • 🎉 Congratulations, you have now created your custom workspaces.
Create your custom configuration Create your custom configuration
  • You now have set up individual workspaces. However, to create custom templates/entities and custom properties (e.g., text fields, rating criteria, dropdown values), you need to navigate to your organization settings first. Go to your account settings in the bottom left corner, click on it, and find the "Element Configuration".
  • In the Element Configuration, you'll first land on the "element type configuration". This is where you define your templates and how your data is structured on the first level (e.g., a trend, idea, project, company, asset, start-up). To add your custom element types, hit "add new element type". Follow the steps mentioned on the right side of your page.

    💡 Pro Tipp: When you want to update an existing element type, just find it in the list of element types, click it, and adjust it as needed on the right side of your page.
  • When you now want to create your custom properties and values, change from the "element type configuration" tab to the "property configuration"-tab on the upper left side of the menu. Add or adjust any property as needed. 
  • Once you have created a custom property and want to add it to an element type, navigate back to the element configuration tab, find an element type, and add your custom property from one of the add property type lists on the right side.
  • Now, after adjusting the general configuration, you can update the configurations within your workspaces. Navigate again to your "profile" and find the menu "manage workspaces". When you edit a particular workspace, you will now find a tab called element configuration. You can now show/hide the element types and properties that you want to show in that workspace.
  • 🎉 Congratulations, you have now enriched your workspaces with your custom element types and properties.
Create your custom configuration

Connect the dots

  • The full power comes to an InnovationOS when you connect the dots, i.e.
    1. when you connect your projects, and ideas with trends, technologies, or market opportunities
    2. when you onboard your colleagues to bring in updates, inspirations, expertise, and opinion
  • Start by adding your custom content. Check the onboarding plan under 1 for more.

    💡 Note: To bring over the ITONICS content from the showroom, you need to use our blueprint element types.
  • To make connections between the content elements, you use the relates to feature. Every content element has a relations section. Just find it and use the "relate an element" section.
  • To see all the connections, switch now to the network graph and see how every content element is connected within your workspace. 
  • 🎉 Exciting right? It is now time to add your co-workers to update on their projects, bring in their evaluation or content. Go to your individual account at the bottom left. Click on it and find the users and invitations button. From here, invite your co-workers to your organization. 
  • 💡 Pro Tipp: Of course, you should not only send a system invitation. Talk to them, chat with them, or send an email and explain why they have been invited to this system.