[Released February 2023] ⚠️ Roles and Permissions in the ITONICS Innovation OS will change ⚠️

Changes to ITONICS user roles and permissions will give users even more powerful access controls and configuration capabilities.

How does this impact users?

For most users, there are no noticeable changes in access to functions and features. Most of them can still perform the same actions in the system.

However, Administrators and Workspace Administrators will notice that the role titles will be different from before. Titles will now indicate what each role is responsible for to avoid further confusion.

We will also be improving some non-required roles: “Billing Admin” will be removed and assigned to the “Administrator” role. The “Owner” at the Organization as well as Workspace level will be assigned to the “Administrator/Workspace Admin” role.

Also, with this change, the Viewer role can see the average ratings in the elements' ratings widget. Previously, the Viewer could only see the average rating when browsing the Radar, Matrix, or filters.

Additionally, now all user roles have access to the Roadmap module. Previously, the Scout and Evaluator were not able to view the Roadmap module.

Why the change?

We plan to introduce a feature that provides Administrators with the possibility to configure permissions for specific user roles. At a later stage, we also plan to introduce even more granular permissions on Element type level. This will allow you to, for example, configure the role Scout that permits this role to create a Trend, whereas only the Moderator can create a Project.

In order to have configuration options and more detailed permissions, these changes are required.

Contact the ITONICS support (support@itonics.io) for any further questions.