Wed, 14 Aug 2020 / Insights: Relative Date Ranges & Casual Search Improvements

Relative Date Ranges

We have extended the functionality of the published date context input in order to allow users to add relative dates, for example showing documents from the past 7 days or the past year. The relative nature of the time window will be preserved when saving the search field. Opening the saved search field at a later point in time will see the time window shifted accordingly.

Relative Date Ranges

Casual Search

The casual search now supports simple search terms. Simply type in whatever you want to search for, and even if you don't find a fitting element from the Explorer, you can now add a search term.

Casual Search

Element Stack

You can now open elements you have added the casual search in the "stack" by clicking on them!

Element Stack

Usability Improvements

We have changed the interface for saving search fields in order to make it more user-friendly and consistent with the rest of our software.

Usability Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • A bug was addressed that made it so the timeline chart would show nothing if the search field started on the 31st of a month.
  • A bug was fixed that would show wrong URLs in the list of Signals and the Signals Feed.