[Beta Released] Ideation

With Ideation, you can invite colleagues or experts to submit ideas through the ITONICS platform and users can evaluate ideas with ratings. Idea submissions can move through a phase-gate process using workflows.

Note that this feature will not be automatically available to all subscribers and may be part of a separate ITONICS subscription plan. 

If you would like to test ideation, please get in touch with us via account_manager@itonics-innovation.com. 


What you can expect from the feature:

  • ITONICS campaign templates: The software includes a range of pre-designed best practice templates for different use cases, making it easy to kickstart your ideation campaigns.
  • To-Do’s per phase: Ideation allows you to assign tasks and To-Do’s for each phase of the ideation process. This enables you and your teams to stay organized and on track.
  • Customized To-Do’s: In addition to the pre-designed To-Do’s, the ideation feature also allows you to create your own customized To-Do’s and descriptions to fit your specific needs.
  • Status per phase: rack the status of ideas as they progress through each phase of the ideation process with options such as "Active," "Parked," and "Rejected.".
  • Fully configurable campaigns: Create unlimited campaigns and fully customize the properties and ratings of your ideas according to your needs.
  • Powerful campaign management: Our software provides a range of tools to help you manage your ideation campaign, for example, an idea board, To-Do progress overviews, ratings, and commenting.
  • Alerts and notifications: The software sends alerts and notifications to keep you informed of important updates.

Learn More here