How to Create a New Project

Note: This feature will not be automatically available to all subscribers and may be part of a separate ITONICS subscription plan.  If you would like to test workflow, please contact us via

To set up a new project, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Create button in the left navigation. A Create Element modal will open, and you will see the list of element types that you are able to create. (2)
    ITONICS Creating New Project
  2. Select the Project element type from the list of element types on the right-hand side. (3)
  3. Select one of the project workflow templates, by clicking on the individual tile (4). Check out the ITONICS workflow templates article for more information.
  4. Click Use Template to start creating your project based on the selected workflow template. (5)
  5. In case you want to abort your selection, click back to navigate back to the workflow template overview screen. (6)
  6. To continue the creation process, fill out the first basic information for your project (Title, Summary). (7)
  7. Finish the creation process by clicking the Create button. (8)




Projects will only ask for very basic information in the creation dialogue during the creation process. Using the Element Configuration enables you to include further properties for projects during and after the initial creation.

After finishing step 8, your project will be created and automatically open in the stack view on the right-hand side of the screen. From here, you can already enrich your project by adding additional information. For a better overview, you can also expand the stack view (1) or open the campaign in a new tab (2).
