Release Notes 2024 | June

24th of June

  • Phone number field was not editable 

17th of June

  • Various bug fixes
    • Ai features were slightly cut off in the UI
    • Filtering in the signals module was displayed incorrectly
    • Missing privacy label was added to the matrix view
    • The comment count was, at times, incorrect
    • A deleted activity could still persist on a roadmap
    • The export button was falsely disabled when selecting all elements
    • UI fix was implemented for iPad mini dimensions
    • UI fix for the signals count was implemented
    • Filter panel was further improved for small screen sizes
    • Filtering issues were fixed when changing an elements status
    • Matrix x-axis could suddenly revert when filtering
    • A missing redirect after deleting an element was added

3rd of June

  • Various bug fixes
    • Mentioning multiple people causes a browser timeout
    • A long email address can break out of the user selection component
    • The AI assistant user was not filtered out from the user selection component
    • The smart action button alignment was off
    • The rating colour on the network graph could be incorrect at times
    • The roadmap toolbar was in the wrong position at times
    • A user was not always automatically watching an element when mentioned
    • The board filter was resetting incorrectly
    • The embeddable settings UI was improved
    • Uploading images to comments was improved