Tips and Tricks to use ITONICS Workflow

Tips on how to move projects or tasks through phases using a stage-gate process.

Note: that this feature will not be automatically available to all subscribers and may be part of a separate ITONICS subscription plan.  If you would like to test workflow, please get in touch with us via

How does workflow help me?

Workflows provide a standardized, consistent, and efficient process for managing innovation initiatives and drivers of change. These structured  processes establish repeatable actions that have to move through phases based on triggers.

Workflows enable projects to move forward and automate the tasks of manually assigning different people and stages of activities. Use workflow to: 

  • Facilitate and manage ideation campaigns to ensure all submitted ideas are validated and evaluated to move through to the following stages.
  • Manage the process of planning, executing, and monitoring innovation projects. Project management workflows can help ensure that tasks are completed in the right order, milestones are met, and team members are aware of their responsibilities and deadlines.
  • Manage the process of selecting and prioritizing growth initiatives for inclusion in a portfolio. Portfolio management workflows can help ensure that initiatives are aligned with strategic goals, resources are allocated effectively, and risks are managed appropriately.
  • Enhance collaboration and communication among team members involved in innovation projects. 

Tips and Tricks to use workflows

  1. Set up your workflows quickly by using ITONICS best practice templates.
  2. Customize workflows to suit your individual requirements. 
  3. Consider the roles and responsibilities of different team members, and how they will be involved in the process. Use Permissions Configuration to set up specific roles and permissions. 
  4. Workflows should be easy to understand and follow, so it's important to keep them simple and straightforward. Avoid unnecessary complexity or detail, and focus on the key activities and decision points that are critical to your innovation process. Use simple language to describe the stages to your users. 
  5. Keep track of the status of each project by using the workflow status that is available for each phase. Park projects, reject and reactivate them once appropriate.
  6. Use Boards to keep track of the progress and health of your projects.
  7. Create to-do’s in an agile manner that is relevant for each phase. 
  8. Always stay on top of the to-do progress of each project by using the Board.

How do I use workflow?

Click here to see how to activate the project element type to get started with workflow for project and portfolio management. If you do not have access to workflow, contact us to try it for free!