6️⃣ The Network Graph: Discovering (un-)related Content

The ITONICS Network Graph enables you to get an overview of the relationships between different elements in one place. You can now identify hot topics or your unconnected dots.

1. Discover (un-)related content via the Workspace's Network Graph

2. Discover (un-)related content via one Content Element's Network Graph

Discover (un-)related Content via the Workspace's Network Graph

The ITONICS Network Graph is a graphical representation of all the relations between the content elements in one workspace. To enter the Network Graph, you will find the respective menu item in your left main navigation menu [1].

Once you have entered the Network Graph, you can adjust the content displayed by the search and filter menu on the top of your screen [2]. Drill the view down to any specific element types, publication status, or more advanced filters. 

Furthermore, you can adjust the Network Graph settings when you click on the gear icon [3]. This way you can:

  • Links: adjust the logic of what relations are shown, i.e., by relations that have been set between elements or based on the tags they share [6].
  • Color: Adjust the meaning of the dots' color, e.g., show the publication status or any rating criteria values by different colors
  • Size: Adjust the meaning of the dots' size,  e.g., show the publication status or any rating criteria values by different sizes

The meaning of the color can be shown or hidden as a legend in the bottom left of the screen.

Each content element is displayed by one dot in the Network Graph. If a relation is set between two content elements, it is displayed by a line between these content elements. If no connection has been made, no line is shown. Elements with no further relation do not have any incoming or outgoing line [4].

You can also zoom in on the Network Graph. You can use your mouse wheel or the control options to the top right [5]. You can also use double-click to zoom in.

When you use the option to show the links based on tags shared [6], you will see a different type of line appearing to indicate a link between these content elements. Now, the thickness of a line represents how many tags are shared. In the bottom left, you can now decide upon which threshold value of tags shared, a line should become visible. Drag the Minimum Strength of Links slider to the right, and you see weaker links disappear. Elements with weaker links move to the outer periphery, while Elements with stronger links remain in the center. This is a good way to declutter the Network Graph

ITONICS Network Graph

💡 To identify unrelated content elements, you can also use the global "related to" filter on the network graph. When you select "Global Filters > Related to > Relation is empty", all unrelated content elements will be shown. 

Discover (un-)related Content via one Content Element's Network Graph

The network graph can also be opened directly from a content element (and if relations are enabled for this element type). Each content element comes with its own Network Graph. Navigate to the relation section. Per default, you will find the relations listed in the list view. However, you can change the view to the network graph view [7].

The relations are now displayed visibly, and the color indicates the element types (as defined in the element configuration). Besides direct relations, i.e., a relation that is set between two content elements, the graph also visualizes second-level relations, i.e., potentially interesting relations that emerge because already related content has relations with other content elements [8]. To make this more visible, you can manipulate the settings [9].  

Discover (un-)related Content via one Content Element's Network Graph

By changing the sliders, you can define how big the dots of the first-line relation and the second-line relation should appear. The same can be applied to the distance level between the elements of the first- and second-level.