[Released] Configurable cards on the Board

With configurable cards you can add multiple additional information on the cards of your Board.

Note that this feature will not be automatically available to all subscribers and may be part of a separate ITONICS subscription plan. 

If you would like to test the board feature, please get in touch with us via account_manager@itonics-innovation.com, and we will gladly activate it for you to test for free.

The configurable cards feature lets you customize your cards to include important information such as assignees, due dates, progress, or any other information that is relevant to your workflow.

Configurable Cards allow you to create a custom view of your workflow that is tailored to your teams’ needs. You can easily add or remove information to ensure that the most important data is visible and up-to-date.

You can quickly see who is responsible for a project, when it is due, and how much progress has been made. You can also filter your Board based on the information you have added to your cards. This will give you and your team the ability to identify bottlenecks and prioritize tasks more effectively.

The new Configurable Cards feature enable  teams to work smarter and more efficiently.

Configurable cards on the Board

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