Properties are the traits of an element type that can be used to classify, structure, visualize, and compare content. Learn more about the different options at hand.
When you define your custom element types or simply want to know what options you have to classify, structure, visualize, and compare content, you need to know the difference between the different existent property types:
1. Dropdown 2. Steps 4. Rating 6. Number |
7. Date 8. Hyperlinks 9. Rich Text 10. User Fields 11. Attachments |
If you are interested in creating your custom properties or changing them, please read this article: Structuring Content via Element Types: The Element Configuration (EC)
1️⃣ Dropdowns
Implications to the system
To create a dropdown, navigate to the element configuration, property configuration, and the option to add a property. Give your dropdown field a name [1]. If you want to allow the selection of multiple values, check the multiple values checkbox. Note that this cannot be changed for the respective property at a later stage (would require the creation of a new property, [2].
You can set the property type as required information for elements. This information then needs to be added before the element can be created. To do so, check the Required checkbox. Note that a Required property cannot be introduced after an element type was configured initially, as elements of that respective type may already exist, which would violate the Required constraint. [3]. Under Label, provide the options one by one to create the list. Click on Add New Option to enter more options. [4] Once you are happy with the way it looks, hit Save.
2️⃣ Steps
Implications to the system
To create a step field, navigate to the element configuration, property configuration, and the option to add a property. Give your step field a name [1]. You can set the property type as required. This information needs to be added before any content element can be created. To do so, check the required checkbox. Note that a required property cannot be introduced after an element type is configured initially. Add as many options as you like and select some nice colors for each of them [3]. Once done, click on Save.
3️⃣ Hierarchical Dropdown
Implications to the system
To create a hierarchical dropdown field, navigate to the element configuration, property configuration, and the option to add a property. Give your hierarchical dropdown field a name [1]. You can allow multiple value selection by checking the Allow Multiple Values checkbox. Note that this cannot be changed for the respective property at a later stage (would require the creation of a new property, [2]). You can set the property type as required information for elements. To do so, check the Required checkbox. Note that a Required property cannot be introduced after an element type was configured initially, as elements of that respective type may already exist, which would violate the “Required” constraint [3]. Enter the the first-level values and under them write the nested sub-level values. You can create as many values as you like [4]. Once done, click on Save.
4️⃣ Rating
Implications to the system
To create a rating, navigate to the element configuration, property configuration, and the option to add a property. Give your rating criteria a name [1]. Write a short description of the rating criteria [2]. You can invert the order in which the rating options are displayed [3]. Provide the values by the labels for each one of them, e.g., High [4].
Once done, click on Save.
5️⃣ Numerical Rating
Implications to the system
To create a numerical rating, navigate to the element configuration, property configuration, and the option to add a property. Give your numerical rating criteria a name [1]. Write a short description of the rating criteria [2]. Enter a valid min and max value for your ratings [3]. You can also invert the rating by checking Invert Order of Options [4]. Once done, save the property type.
When multiple users evaluate an element, we will calculate the average of those evaluations. For numerical ratings, we do not round the results to the next full value, but rather work with decimal numbers - both in the rating widget and in any visualization.
6️⃣ Number
Implications to the system
To create a number field, navigate to the element configuration, property configuration, and the option to add a property [1]. Enter a value in Unit Label. The Unit Label shows the unit of the number (Euro, $, FTE) [2]. Provide min and max values to ensure users are entering valid values [3]. You can set the property type as required information for elements. To do so, check the Set as Required checkbox. Note that a required property cannot be introduced after an element type was configured initially, as elements of that respective type may already exist, which would violate the required constraint [4]. Once done, click on Save.
7️⃣ Date
Implications to the system
To create a date field, navigate to the element configuration, property configuration, and the option to add a property [1]. You can set the property type as required information for elements. This information needs to be added before the element can be created. To do so, check the required checkbox. Note that a required property cannot be introduced after an element type was configured initially, as elements of that respective type may already exist, which would violate the required constraint [2]. Once done, save the property type.
8️⃣ Hyperlinks
To create a hyperlink field, navigate to the element configuration, property configuration, and the option to add a property [1]. You can set the property type as required information for elements. This information needs to be added before the element can be created. To do so, check the Required checkbox. Note that a Required property cannot be introduced after an element type was configured initially, as elements of that respective type may already exist, which would violate the Required constraint [2]. Once finished, save the property.
9️⃣ Rich Text
To create a rich text field (RTE), navigate to the element configuration, property configuration, and the option to add a property [1]. Save it.
🔟 User
Implications to the system
To create a numerical rating, navigate to the element configuration, property configuration, and the option to add a property. If you want to allow the selection of multiple values, check the Multiple Values checkbox. Note that this cannot be changed for the respective property at a later stage (would require the creation of a new property) [2]. You can set the property type as required information for elements. This information needs to be added before the element can be created. To do so, check the required checkbox. Note that a required property cannot be introduced after an element type was configured initially, as elements of that respective type may already exist, which would violate the Required constraint [3]. Once finished, save your property,
1️⃣1️⃣ Attachments
To create a numerical rating, navigate to the element configuration, property configuration, and the option to add a property [1]. Save it.
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