1️⃣ Adding and Editing Roles and Permissions for any Workspace

To be fully operational, you need to give the right roles and permissions to your workspace users.

To ensure accuracy and accountability, it is important that every user gets the role and permission they need to perform the right actions. The ITONICS Innovation OS provides you with the option to define your own roles and permission scheme per workspace.

Per default, the ITONICS Innovation OS comes with some standard global roles that you can easily change to match your context. You can also create your own roles and assign respective permissions accordingly. The ITONICS permission concept includes an additive permission concept, which means that the respective permissions of each role complement each other. That means that users can have multiple roles assigned and the permissions granted complement each other. For instance, if you have one role assigned that allows you to create elements but not to rate them and a second role assigned that allows you to rate elements but not create them, you will in consequence get the permission to rate and create content elements as per the additive permission concept. 

Read on to learn:

Role Configuration: How to create and update roles per workspace?

To change roles or permissions for a workspace, navigate to the "Workspace Roles" settings first. You will find it in your profile in the bottom left corner [1 or 2]. 

Or, when you are already on the administrative pages of your organization settings, go to "Workspaces", and find the workspace for which you want to alter roles or permissions and the respective pen icon. Clicking on the pen icon will take you to the respective workspace settings.

In both cases, you will land on the workspace's settings page. Find the tab "Roles" [3]. Under the tab, you will find the current role scheme of the workspace with the current roles available. The roles are listed. Besides the "Workspace Admin" role, you can now change the name and description of each role by the pen icon [4]. 

To add a new role, find the option create role at the bottom right corner. Once clicked, a modal will open where you can add the title and a description. 

If you want to delete a role, please find the trash icon. 

A role cannot be deleted as long as it is assigned to users in the workspace. 

Please note that every workspace can create/update/delete up to 20 roles at a time.

Default Workspace Role: How to change the default role assignment per workspace?

On the "roles" tab, you can also define the default role that should be assigned to workspace users. Find the option, below "Roles" [3] and select from the list the default role.

Permission Configuration: How to adjust the permissions per workspace role?

In the next tab "permissions" [6], you can now define what actions should be allowed, i.e., the permissions, for the different configured user roles. You will find two menus [7]. One menu is for defining the actions on each content element; the second menu is for defining the actions for each tool/feature (check out the default role and permission scheme below). Click on the name to change between the menus.

Within each menu, the available actions/permission configuration options are listed to the left [8]. In the right column for each action, the allowed roles are mentioned [9]. 

To disable any role from an action, use the X-icon next to the role name [10]. If you want to add any role, click on the arrow at the end of the role selection list and find all other existing roles. Click on the name of the role from the selection menu and add it to the list. 

Please note

  • Workspace Admins always have all permissions granted which also cannot be changed.
  • The permission configuration is always only true for one selected workspace. If you want to apply the same permission scheme to another workspace, you have to make the adjustments again for the other workspaces.

What is the default ITONICS role and permission configuration

Per default, the ITONICS Innovation OC comes with the following five different roles, i.e., Workspace Admin, Moderator, Evaluator, Scout, and Viewer.

In the following, we list which permissions are given per these roles and:

  1. Content permissions
    1. View, Create, Edit, and Delete
    2. Rating
    3. Comment
    4. Attachment
  2. Tool permissions
  3. Workspace admin-only permissions

1. Content permission rights

    Workspace-Level Roles
Permissions   Workspace Admin Moderator Evaluator Scout Viewer
View All Elements   x x x x x
View All Draft Elements   x x x x x
View All Archived Elements
  x x x  x  
Create (Draft) Elements 
  x x x x  
Create (Published) Element 
  x x x x  
Edit All Elements 
  x x      
Delete All Elements 
  x x      
View all Ratings 
  x x x x x
Rate any element
  x x x    
Edit rating
  x x x    
Delete Rating
  x x x    
Manage* All Ratings
View All Comments
  x x x x x
  x x x x  
Manage* All Comments
Edit Attachment
  x x      
Delete Attachments
  x x      

Manage*: The term manage refers to all CRUD operations, i.e., create, read, update, and delete.

2. Tool permission rights

Please note that the availability of the tools depends on your subscription. If you have any questions, contact us at account_manager@itonics-innovation.com.

    Workspace-Level Roles
Permissions   Workspace Admin Moderator Evaluator Scout Viewer
View Explorer   x x x x x
View Radar   x x x x x
View Matrix
  x x x  x x
View Board 
  x x x x x
View Insights 
  x x x x x
View Network Graph 
  x x x x x
View all Roadmaps 
  x x x x x
View Signals Page in Elements 
  x x x x x
Pin Signals to Elements   x x   x  
Create/Edit/Delete Private Saved View
  x x x x x
Create/Edit/Delete Public Saved View
  x x      
Manage* Subscribed Public Saved View
  x x      
Create/edit/delete all Roadmaps
  x x      
Edit Milestone and Activity Types
  x x      
Configure Roadmap Layer
  x x      
Manage* All Campaigns
  x x      
Manage* All Submissions
  x x      

Manage*: The term manage refers to all CRUD operations, i.e., create, read, update, and delete.

3. Workspace admin-only permissions

    Workspace-Level Roles
Permissions   Workspace Admin Moderator Evaluator Scout Viewer
Invite users   x        
user roles
Adjust workspace element configuration   x        
Adjust Workspace name/description   x        
Adjust Workspace visibility   x        
Please note that only Application Admins have permission to create workspaces. The application admin role is granted via organization-level role and permission settings.

Changing roles of users

Workspace Administrators
can assign a role or have the option to change a workspace-level user role in the "Users" tab. Navigate to your profile on the bottom left and click on it. Here, you will find the option "Workspace Users". This will bring you to the user management section of your workspace. 

Who and how can workspace roles be changed?

Here, you will find the list of all users that are part of your workspace. You can now either add new colleagues to join the workspace (2) or update any existing user role assignment (3). In both cases, you will be asked to assign the correct role (4). 

What roles and permissions exist on the workspace level?

Please note that every user can have a maximum of 5 roles at a time.