8️⃣ Smart Actions: Auto-fill texts and images, auto-generate ideas and ratings, and auto-see the speed of change

Let the Innovation OS do the job for you by leveraging machine intelligence. Let it craft strong descriptions, images, tags, ideas, and ratings. See automatically how trends and technologies change over time.

Note: The smart features will not be automatically available to all subscribers and may be part of a separate ITONICS subscription plan. 

If you would like to try them, please get in touch with us via account_manager@itonics-innovation.com.

1. Radar and rating: How do ITONICS smart scores work?

2. Smart Actions: Autofill Description, Tags, and Images

3. Smart Ideation: Auto-generate and auto-evaluate ideas 

Radar and Rating: How do ITONICS Smart Scores Work?

Our monitoring engine calculates a score of none to very high, which holds an aggregation of the growth rate of news, patents, and publications related to a content element and is listed under ratings [1] on a trend or technology. To cover a short and mid-period of time, ITONICS provides the two smart scores with different time ranges: 

  • Speed of Change [90 Days]
  • Speed of Change [180 Days]


Smart scores are read-only properties that are provided by ITONICS and are auto-populated with new values on a daily basis. This is to help you maintain an overview of developments with less effort. 

To activate the smart scores, head to the element type configuration of your workspace if your Organization Administrator has globally enabled smart scoring. You can either create a new rating type group [1] or use an existing one. Search for "Speed of Change" and add them from the dropdown [2].

You can rearrange rating criteria by dragging and dropping and hiding the ones you do not want to use anymore by clicking on the eye icon. Once you are happy with your rating setup, hit Save Changes

You can also compare the speed of change across multiple content elements when you head over to the technology or trend radar. Open the radar view configuration, select Distance, and choose either Speed of Change [90 Days] or Speed of Change [180 Days].

You can now compare the trends and technologies on the radar by the Speed of Change of the last 90/180 Days.

When you watch a content element, you will receive an email notification if the speed of change changes. 

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Smart Actions: Autofill Description, Tags, and Images

We help you reduce the burden of adding images, descriptions, or tags by our smart action feature. 

Autofill description

Go to any content detail page and find the smart action button below the content title or in a rich-text-field. Choose Autofill Description from the Smart Actions (1) in the header or navigate to the Description section. (2) A modal will open and create a suggested description for you (3). 

Auto-create description

When designing a campaign, there is even the option to decide on a preferred storytelling template (3) for auto-filling the description. You can choose between the following options which will generate a description based on your provided Summary

    • Campaign Canvas: This Canvas will produce a structured description covering the following points: Campaign description, Objective of the Campaign, Stakeholders & Audience, How To Participate, Guiding Questions that help idea submitters understand what's expected and a short and engaging closing statement.
  • Storytelling Tactics:

The golden circle: This Storytelling method starts with "Why" (the purpose or belief), then "How" (the process or values), and finally "What" (the product or result) to inspire and connect with an audience.
Conflict and Resolution: This Storytelling method introduces a central challenge or problem (conflict) and then presents a solution or outcome (resolution) to engage and inform the audience. The resolution in that case is the campaign itself.
In media res: This Storytelling method begins with a narrative in the middle of the action, often at a critical point.

  • Default: This method will create a structured idea description. 

To increase the quality of the response enter a few more information. Click the Create button to get the description.

Autofill Tags

Go to any content detail page and find the smart action button below the content title or navigate straight to the tag section. Choose Autofill Tags and the system will return a suggestion of tags based on your provided Summary. Remove not fitting tags by pressing the “x” icon next to the respective tag. Insert your tag selection.

Autofill Image

Go to any content detail page and find the smart action button below the content title [1]. A modal will open where you can select your preferred image style. You can choose between No style, van Gogh, Futuristic, Digital Art, Artwork, and Cartoon [2]. Describe the image you want to generate in a short and precise sentence [3]. Click the Create button to generate a preview of images [4]. The system will suggest some images from which you can choose. Click Apply if you are satisfied.

Auto-create images

Smart Ideation: Autogenerate and evaluate ideas 

Autofill Idea Description

To use the Autofill Idea Description feature, go to the idea detail page and find the smart action button below the content title [1] or navigate to the Description section [2]. 

A modal will open where you can select your preferred template [3] for autofilling the idea description based on your summary and further information. 

For the writing style of the description, you can choose between the following options, which will generate a description based on your provided summary: 

      • Idea Canvas: This Canvas will produce a structured description covering the following points: Problem statement, Key Features, Value Proposition, Concept. 
      • Personas: Describe the idea in the words and with the mindset of one of the following forward thinkers: 
        • Albert Einstein 
        • Warren Buffett
        • Elon Musk
        • Barack Obama
        • Oprah Winfrey
      • Creativity Methods: 
        • Journey Mapping: A visualization of the process that a user undergoes to achieve a goal, capturing all the touchpoints and experiences.
        • SCAMPER: An acronym-driven brainstorming technique that prompts users to think about a product or problem through seven different methods: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse.
        • Brainstorming: A group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members.
        • Headstand: A problem-solving technique that involves looking at the problem from the opposite perspective, by considering what would cause the problem to occur or worsen.
        • 6-Thinking Hats: A role-playing model that encourages individuals to look at a problem from six distinct perspectives: emotional, informational, logical, creative, critical, and organizational.
      • Default: This method will create a structured idea description. 

To increase the quality of the response enter a target audience that the idea should address [4]. Click the Create button to get the description [5] 

Auto-description campaign

As described above, also on an idea the system can automatically provide you with an image and tags (read above).

Autocreate Ideas with Gen-AI

Once you have started your campaign you can leverage the power of generative AI to generate some thought starter ideas. Click on the Smart Actions in the Campaign header and select Autocreate Ideas [1]. A modal will come up and will ask for more context to generate the best ideas possible: In which industry should the ideas primarily be applied? Who will benefit most from it (target audience)? Hit Create [2] once you have provided the relevant information. Click on Explore now once the ideas are created. You will be redirected to the Campaign Board to check out the AI-created ideas.

Auto-create ideas

To learn more on campaigns, read this article.

Autorate Ideas with Gen-AI

When the submission phase concludes, tap into the transformative capabilities of generative AI to automatically assess the submitted ideas. The board offers a swift preliminary evaluation, providing a baseline for further analysis. Additionally, it can function as a supplementary AI-informed perspective, integrating seamlessly with expert evaluations in the decision-making process.

Click on the Smart Actions in the Campaign header and select Autorate Ideas [1]. A modal will come up to further specify which ideas you want to be rated. Choose the phases for which you want to rate the ideas [2]. The phases that appear here are dependent on your selected workflow. Select the rating criteria you want to be rated by AI [3]. The rating criteria that appear here are based on the configured rating criteria for the element type idea. Click Continue if you are satisfied with your selection [4]. Click on Explore now once the ideas were rated. You will be redirected to the Campaign Board where you can check out the AI-rated ideas. 

Auto-rate campaign