4️⃣ Identify Common Patterns across Tagged Content in the Tag Cloud

Tags allow for free-form categorizations of content. This way, new and unexplored topics can be categorized. Via the Tag Cloud, you will get the overview of all tags, helping you to explore new and emerging topics

You have the option to add keywords, i.e., tags, to any content element in the system. The tagging is not restricted to a list of options (in contrast to other field types, such as dropdown lists) but can be added individually. They are, thus, different from a dropdown categorization with pre-defined values from which you can pick and choose. Tags allow the addition of a specific categorization. Ideally, this enables you to identify new patterns. 

All tags and their frequency are reflected in the Tag Cloud which you can find in the Explorer. Go to the Explorer and you will find the tag icon next to the number of how many content elements are currently displayed (under your search and filter setting) and below the filter options and search bar.

Identify Common Patterns across Tagged Content in the Tag Cloud

When you click on it, you will find a menu with all the tags used across the different displayed content elements. The tags are sorted by the number of their appearance. The most commonly used tags are displayed first and in bold. The less a tag is used, the less strong will be the font of how the tag is displayed.

If you want to further analyze which content sits behind the tags, you just need to click on a tag. Once clicked, the tag cloud adjusts to the tag selected and displays all the tags that are used in combination with this tag. The tag moves to the top.


Furthermore, you will find all the content elements on which the tag has been used under the tag cloud. From here, you can click on any content element and more details will open in the right sidebar.

When you choose more than one active tag, it is added to the tag filter, and the tags are combined in an OR combination. The colored dots on the other related dots represent how the selected dots relate to these other tags.

You can also use the Search option or various Filters to specify the view of your Tag cloud.

To close the Tag Cloud, click on the light blue tag label above the display of the elements and next to the number of the displayed elements.