What Happens if the Visibility and Accessibility of a Workspace Changes

There are several scenarios when switching the visibility and accessibility of workspaces.

Switch from public to private workspace

If you switch a public workspace to private, all implicit users (all users from your organization) will not have access anymore, and all explicit users (all explicitly added users from your organization, who usually have a different role than the default system role) keep access to the workspace. This means that by changing a public workspace to private, this action removes the access for all implicit users and therefore prevents access to the workspace, their content, and therefore collaboration and transparency for those users.

Check out this article about user management in public workspaces to learn more.

Switch from private to public workspace

If you switch a private workspace to a public workspace, all users who are already in the workspace, stay in the workspace and keep their users roles. All other users from the organization will get access to the workspace as well. This means that by changing a private workspace to public, it exposes all content within the workspace to all users who are part of the organization.

Downgrade from Professional to Starter subscription plan

If you decide to downgrade from your Professional subscription plan to a Starter plan, the following behavior applies:

  • Private workspaces stay private
  • Private workspaces can not be changed to public
  • Public workspaces stay public
  • Public workspaces can not be changed to private

Check out this article to learn more about how to change the accessibility and visibility of workspace settings.