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Technology Reporting: Effective Tools & Techniques for Technology Managers

Technology reporting is crucial for shaping company strategy, acting as a crucial link between intelligence and action amidst the accelerating pace of technological advancement. It empowers companies to stay competitive by identifying innovation opportunities, mitigating digital transformation risks, and aligning technology-focused initiatives with business goals.

Yet, many companies grapple with effectively communicating technology insights in a way that bridges the tech fluency gap between tech-savvy and non-technical stakeholders. This challenge highlights the essential need for efficient, accessible technology reporting tools to support strategic planning.

In this article, we share best practice technology reporting tools and techniques you can use to close the tech fluency gap and empower your company to harness the power of technology for strategic advantage.

Why you need to bridge the tech fluency gap

Technology is the enabler of innovation, the fuel of transformation. Companies that are tech-forward are shown to outperform their peers across multiple metrics. From revenue growth and return on invested capital (ROIC) to resilience and even ESG.

Why, then, do tech-forward companies—those that fully integrate technology into strategy development—represent the minority? In an in-depth analysis of 1,600 billion-dollar revenue companies, Accenture Research found that only 21% treat technology as a critical input to shaping business strategy.

A strongly tech-minded C-suite is one of the distinguishing factors of these tech-forward companies. However, the other 79% of companies are likely facing a tech-fluency gap. This means the rapid pace of technological change is outstripping the ability of their leaders to comprehend and harness these advancements for strategic advantage.

Closing this gap and elevating the tech fluency of decision-makers in your company calls for effective technology reporting. By providing a clear, insightful, and actionable narrative on technology trends and their potential impact, technology reporting empowers leaders to make informed strategic decisions with greater confidence. It ensures that technology's role in driving business strategy is not only recognized but is actively and effectively leveraged.

Did you know? Accenture Research indicates that tech-forward companies often adopt flatter internal structures that encourage bottom-up participation in strategy development. This approach empowers all employees to actively engage in innovation, generate ideas, and conduct experiments.

Technology reporting serves as a vital conduit for democratizing innovation within these organizations. By promoting transparency, providing inspiration, and facilitating feedback and dialogue, technology reporting ensures that all voices are heard and valued in the innovation process.

Best practice in technology reporting

Technology reporting creates a bridge between the knowledge uncovered and held by technology or R&D managers and the leadership team responsible for strategy development in your company. Without this bridge, even the most promising technology breakthrough may fail to gain the visibility and impact it deserves.

For the best results, technology managers should emphasize accuracy and reliability, relevance and context, and actionability and impact in all reporting activities.

Essential components of technology reporting

  1. Accuracy and reliability: The foundation of technology reporting rests on the accuracy and reliability of the data being reported. Ensure that the information collected is precise, verifiable, and free from errors or biases. Inaccurate or unreliable data can lead to missed opportunities and misguided technology strategies.
  1. Relevance and context: Provide relevant technology insights that are contextualized within the broader ecosystem of business goals, industry trends, and market dynamics. This helps decision-makers understand the significance of the technology insights and how they impact your company’s strategy, performance, and future direction.
  1. Actionability and impact: Effective technology reporting goes beyond merely presenting data; it should inspire action and drive meaningful impact within your company. Technology reports should highlight actionable insights and recommendations that inform strategic decisions and drive innovation.

Tools and techniques for technology reporting

Oftentimes, how you report information is as important as what you report. That is where the power of storytelling comes in; stories are remembered up to 22 times more than facts alone. And what is technology reporting, if not a form of strategy-steering storytelling?

Technology managers can use the following technology reporting tools and techniques to craft persuasive stories, engage their audience, and prompt strategic action:

Dynamic data visualizations: Technology radar and matrix visualizations offer a multi-dimensional view of data, enabling comparison across predefined criteria like potential impact or technology readiness level for easier prioritization. By presenting complex data in a visually engaging format, these visualizations simplify complex concepts and promote shared understanding to speed up opportunity discovery.

Interactive dashboards: Technology managers can use dashboards to quickly provide stakeholders with a consolidated, real-time view of key technology metrics. With the ability to track all aspects of the technology lifecycle—from market adoption rates and industry forecasts to R&D resource allocation and return on investment—dashboards support holistic decision-making.

Technology roadmaps: Technology roadmaps outline the strategic direction, priorities, and milestones for technology development and deployment over a specific timeframe. Building a central roadmap that integrates technology, product, business, and market activities communicates high-level alignment as well as daily operational planning.

Automated reporting processes: Gathering technology data and insights from across your company and external environment can be time-consuming and prone to error. Automating reporting processes as much as possible not only enhances efficiency but also establishes standardized reporting formats and cadences to improve quality and consistency while managing stakeholder expectations.

Narrative and presentation: Technology managers can boost buy-in and commitment for their initiatives by framing technology insights in a compelling narrative and visually appealing presentation tailored to a specific audience. Contextualizing data with visuals, case studies, and real-world examples makes technical information more relatable and memorable.


Notifications help global innovation and R&D teams stay on top of the latest technology insights on the ITONICS Innovation OS. Email notifications are automatically triggered by certain actions, like when a comment or rating is left on a technology or when there is a sudden or sustained change in related signals. These automatic notifications reduce tedious activities like copy-pasting links to other communication channels while encouraging collaboration and discussion on the platform.

How Intel integrates technology into strategy

Intel, a world leader in computing innovation, has long emphasized the importance of staying ahead in technology development to maintain its market leadership. The company's success hinges on its ability to predict and respond to the fast-paced evolution of semiconductor technology and computing needs.

Strategic technology reporting

Intel invests heavily in R&D and has established a robust toolbox for technology reporting and analysis. As a result, its executives and decision-makers are well-informed about the latest technological advancements, market trends, and competitive landscapes.

Intel’s technology reporting activities include:

Technology reporting at Intel

Impact on strategy and decision-making

Intel’s ongoing success and leadership in the semiconductor industry underscore the value of integrating technology analysis and reporting into strategic decision-making processes. Intel's approach ensures that its executives are well-informed and capable of steering the company through the complexities of technological evolution and market dynamics.

Technology reporting impacts several strategic decisions at Intel, including:

Strategic decisions impacted by technology reporting at Intel

Technology reporting with ITONICS

The ITONICS Innovation OS offers a full suite of reporting tools, empowering technology managers to craft compelling stories, engage stakeholders, and drive strategic action toward innovation. Designed to streamline the reporting process and deliver actionable insights, these tools include dynamic radar and matrix visualizations, interactive dashboards, and automated reporting processes. Bridge the tech fluency gap to steer your company’s technology strategy confidently into the future.