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Speed up time-to-market

Gain unprecedented efficiency in innovation. The ITONICS Innovation OS saves time, reduces efforts, and accelerates time-to-market. When speed matters and time is money, reducing the administrative burden on innovation teams is crucial.

  • Automate manual, time-consuming tasks
  • Augment human creativity with AI-enhanced tools
  • Streamline processes and consolidate innovation intelligence
Accelerate innovation with ITONICS
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Trusted by global innovation leaders


Minimize time, maximize impact

Competitive advantage of fast innovation - McKinsey

The competitive advantage of innovating faster

Rapidly evolving and competitive markets call for rapid innovation. Companies that innovate faster are 3 times more likely to outperform their industry peers in growth, 2.5 more likely to achieve their financial performance goals, and 2.1 more likely to increase operational resiliency to unforeseen events.


Workload per Role in Innovation

The potential for reducing managerial overhead

The administrative and operational burden of managing innovation limits the pace of innovation for many teams. Manual tasks like scouting, evaluating, and reporting consume anywhere from 50-90% of innovators' daily work—in effect, draining your company’s capacity to engage in strategic value creation and innovation.


Increase speed in end-to-end innovation

AI-enhanced tools to accelerate time-to-market across the innovation value chain


Create trend and technology reports in minutes

Eliminate the manual effort and information overload that impedes efficient environmental monitoring, trend scouting, and competitor analysis. As an intelligent early warning system, ITONICS Foresight empowers teams to detect signals of change and uncover insights before the competition.

No more manual desk research or costly agencies. Embrace automation with our AI-enhanced signals feed, seamlessly aggregating relevant news, patents, and publications to surface crucial insights, key events, and emerging drivers of change. Create data-driven trend and technology reports in minutes using our toolbox of custom AI assistants.

Centralize your foresight intelligence in one single point of truth. Equipped with dynamic Radar and Matrix visualizations and AI-powered smart scoring, ITONICS Foresight accelerates opportunity discovery—putting you on the fast track to innovation.

Learn more about ITONICS Foresight

Shorten the path from ideation to market

With our open innovation and GenAI-powered platform, collecting new ideas has never been easier. But with this greater capacity for creativity comes the challenge of managing a greater volume of ideas. That’s where you need a system that’s not only scalable and intelligent, but also excels at identifying and advancing the right ideas at the right time.

ITONICS Ideation enhances the validation process, connecting your ideas ecosystem to market events, strategic goals, and key experts. Augmented by AI, our solution eliminates bias and blindspots in decision-making and allows for continuous idea monitoring to shorten the path from ideation to market.

Streamline your innovation campaigns with customizable workflows, standardized idea submissions, and automated evaluation. ITONICS Ideation offers a transformative solution for teams that want to systematically and swiftly increase the value of their innovation pipelines.

Learn more about ITONICS Ideation

Unlock market readiness and growth—fast

Reduce the complexity of internal processes to ensure a smooth path from concept to commercialization to cash. When saving time means saving money, ITONICS Portfolio enhances efficiency with automated workflows and unified data structures. Augmented by AI, our solution facilitates the seamless integration and analysis of data across projects, fostering improved collaboration, agility, and swift value generation.

Prioritize projects, optimize resources, and adapt to market changes faster, equipped with a 360-degree view of your portfolio. Instantly spot patterns, synergies, and opportunities for boosting innovation gains using ITONICS Kanban, Lists, and Roadmaps.

When your business environment is in constant flow and resources are finite, you need a solution that ensures your innovation efforts are focused, streamlined, and strategically aligned. Designed for teams that want to maximize their return on innovation investment, ITONICS Portfolio unlocks market readiness and growth—fast.

Learn more about ITONICS Portfolio

Manage less, innovate faster with ITONICS

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Your digital toolbox to reduce time-to-market

Content Management

One solution to bring all your innovation efforts together, enrich it collaboratively and evaluate it across different views.

Learn more about the Innovation OS.


Provide a shared understanding of your organization’s innovations efforts to keep everyone in the loop and enhance strategic decision-making.

Learn more about Portfolio Features.


Seamlessly integrate ITONICS into your existing IT infrastructure or 3rd party tools for an enriched and more connected approach.

Learn more about the Innovation OS.

Automated Monitoring

Track and monitor trends, technologies, startups, competitors, risks, and existing opportunities to ensure up-to-date information.

Learn more about Foresight Features.

Technology Radars

Visualize emerging tech and identify their relevance for your business. Today, tomorrow, and in 5 years’ time.

Learn more about Technology Radar.

Filter and Visualize

Distill vast amounts of data with advanced filtering to easily visualize and emphasize what matters.

Learn more about Foresight Features.

Phase-Gate Workflows

Implement phase-gate processes for evaluation and control in projects and ideation campaigns, to ensure efficient resource allocation and higher success rates.

Learn more about Portfolio Features.

Smart Ideation

Use the power of GenAI to accelerate idea submissions and automate ratings in phase-gate processes.

Learn more about Ideation Features.

Kanban Boards

Manage work-in-progress, maximize flow, and prioritize your most valuable initiatives using interactive Kanban Board.

Learn more about Kanban Boards.


Oversee your entire innovation portfolio through a single, centralized view to track the impact on performance, budget, and planning.

Learn more about Portfolio Features.

Innovation Roadmaps

Accelerate time-to-market with multilayer roadmaps. Align the efforts of different business units and execute your strategy.

Learn more about Roadmaps.

Featured resources

Project Scoring Template

Your template for scoring growth initiatives to help identify low-performing innovation projects.
Download Template

AI Toolbox for Innovation

Use this free toolbox of custom AI assistants for innovation management to understand your business environment, foster creativity, and ignite groundbreaking innovations.
Generate Insights

Signals Monitoring Template

This template helps you build your timeline creating a structured system to capture, organize, and analyze data.
Download Template

ITONICS Automated Monitoring

About our feature to automate the monitoring of trends, technologies, competitors, startups, and more.
Download Product Fact Sheet

Featured experts

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