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Navigate and drive change in automotive

The future of automotive innovation will hinge on sustainability, analytics, automation, connectivity, and AI. Identify, shape, and plan growth opportunities systematically with ITONICS' Innovation OS. 

  • Understand new tech-forward players entering the industry
  • Identify the trends, technologies, and main players that are driving change in the market
  • Anticipate the most rewarding opportunities for the future
Innovation Software for Automotive Industry
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Trusted by global innovation leaders


Prepare for and shape the mobility of the future

With new tech-forward players entering the automotive industry, the foresight collaboration tool ITONICS Radar, acts as an early-warning system to help anticipate and respond to new players.

Minimize risk by identifying what’s driving change in the market. And understand which developments hold the greatest potential impact and strategic relevance. Use collaborative ratings to collectively evaluate which drivers of change to pay attention to short, medium, and long term.

By gaining an understanding of the technological developments and adoption trends that present future opportunities in your industry, you can equip yourself with the innovation intelligence needed to take decisive, strategic action and ultimately gain a competitive advantage.

Learn more about ITONICS Radar

Support strategic decision-making

Data has become the fuel of the future. Use ITONICS trends and emerging technologies content included in our Innovation OS to give decision-makers a view of the trends and technologies with the greatest potential for impactful innovation in the industry.

Give your global scouting network the ability to manage the overflow of information, reduce the noise and get to what's important with ITONICS Insights. Get instant access to millions of data points from verified sources. Build your live signals feed from patents, news, publications, and reports. Synchronize global trend and tech scouting on one platform. Direct your focus and resources effectively.

Connect the dots between multiple drivers of change, anticipate the most rewarding opportunities for the future, and gain strategic advantage. Lear Innovation Ventures, a global automotive technology leader in seating and e-systems, uses the ITONICS Innovation OS to scout and evaluate new trends and technologies. This significantly influences strategic business and technology decisions.

Learn more about ITONICS Insights

Discover the ITONICS Automotive Tech Radar right here

Drive automotive innovation at scale

Content Management

One solution to bring all your innovation efforts together, enrich it collaboratively and evaluate it across different views.

Learn more about the Innovation OS.


Customizable criteria enable team members and external experts to rate content in a way that combines collective knowledge.

Learn more about Foresight Features.


Encourage team and stakeholder involvement with easy content sharing, collaborative ratings, and engagement features.

Learn more about Ideation Features.


Incentivize and motivate your whole organization to participate with leaderboards, badges, and activity points.

Learn more about Ideation Features.

Matrix View

Optimize your innovation portfolio by evaluating risk and potential with matrix visualizations.

Learn more about Portfolio Features.

Trend Radars

Explore trends and uncover new opportunities for growth using interactive, configurable radars.

Learn more about Trend Radar.

Technology Radars

Visualize emerging tech and identify their relevance for your business. Today, tomorrow, and in 5 years’ time.

Learn more about Technology Radar.

Startup Radars

Accelerate the realization of your innovation goals by finding relevant startups to partner with.

Learn more about Radar.

Filter and Visualize

Distill vast amounts of data with advanced filtering to easily visualize and emphasize what matters.

Learn more about Foresight Features.

Phase-Gate Workflows

Implement phase-gate processes for evaluation and control in projects and ideation campaigns, to ensure efficient resource allocation and higher success rates.

Learn more about Portfolio Features.

Ideation Campaigns

Spark and collect disruptive ideas with global submissions and effortlessly move them to implementation.

Learn more about Campaigns.

Empower everybody to innovate. Today.

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Use a single point of truth to identify and fuel growth in automotive

Read more on our unique, proven methodology that covers the following innovation questions: Where to Play, How to Win, and What to Execute.

End2End Innovation Process ITONICS

Best-practice stories from true innovation rockstars


Increasing innovation efficiency and impact at Toyota

Toyota Motor Europe is using the ITONICS Innovation OS to bring together manufacturing centers in Europe on one digital platform to empower innovation. Today, there are 200 projects of varying sizes on the platform, valued at more than €20 million, and a clear pipeline of new opportunities and proposals.

See the results

Identify signals and opportunities with an AI-enabled platform

Lear Innovation Ventures use the ITONICS AI-enabled platform for signal sensing and data-driven decision-making. The innovation ecosystem of Lear includes collaborations with outside partners from startups, accelerators, incubators, and venture communities.

See the results

A blueprint for systematic innovation management

In this Innovation Rockstars podcast episode, Roman Šiser, Innovation Manager at ŠKODA AUTO, takes us on their innovation journey and explains how innovation management has changed in recent years. Learn how ŠKODA developed a systematic approach to innovation management.

Tune in

Know what's hot in innovation before others do


About our software tool for collaborative trend, technology, risk & startup scouting.
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