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Build your innovation growth strategy

Use the ITONICS Innovation OS as a single point of truth to connect corporate strategy to innovation.

  • Identify growth opportunities systematically
  • Align corporate strategy, growth initiatives, and execution
  • An engaging, collaborative online platform
Corporate Strategy and Innovation with the ITONICS Innovation OS
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Trusted by global innovation leaders


Why corporate strategy needs innovation

Corporate Strategy guides processes, positioning, partnerships, and resource allocation. Innovation plays a central role in shaping corporate strategy to improve existing products and services. It enables the development of new offerings to meet changing customer needs and requirements in the future.

Every innovation initiative, project, and activity is linked to strategic goals. Corporate strategy and innovation should therefore go hand in hand.

Scan and analyze your business environment

Identify what's driving change in your industry and beyond by using a trend radar to reflect short, mid, and long-term market pull.

Get started fast with ITONICS curated and continuously updated trends and technologies. Establish your scouting community and collaboratively scout, analyze, and evaluate trends and technologies on a global, regional, and local level.

Use ITONICS machine intelligence to collect, aggregate, and interpret data. Uncover relevant information in real-time. Enrich trends with inspirations, insights, and data.

Learn more about ITONICS Insights

Manage the technology push

Align your corporate strategy by creating your Emerging Technologies Radar to keep track of upcoming and maybe disruptive technologies in your industry. The ITONICS Radar allows you to establish and motivate globally distributed technology scouts and communities of expertise owning and exploring relevant emerging technologies.

Our AI-enabled software ITONICS Insights connects technologies, trends, and insights to allow you to focus on what matters most: identifying growth opportunities fast. Understand potential disruptions, risks, and new competitors. Set the future agenda with confidence.

Build competitive technology roadmaps and align all technology teams to focus on what matters most: Shaping the future.

Learn more about ITONICS Radar

Explore growth opportunities

To execute on growth opportunities, you will need to evaluate them first based on models like timing, risk, addressable market, complexity, core, adjacent versus transformational business, budget, region, strategic direction, and business model. ITONICS enables collaborative ratings and global collaboration.

With the priorities opportunity portfolio, the next question is, “How do we want to innovate on this?” Innovations may be in Internal R&D, partnerships, startup collaborations, M&A, or open innovation, depending on your goal.

Clients like Bosch or KTM are sourcing ideas and solutions from their global community of external innovators. CISCO is very successful with its annual Bold Bets challenge, engaging over 50,000 employees. The ITONICS Campaigns module allows you to run any kind of innovation challenge - from day-to-day continuous improvement to moonshot ideas.

Learn more about ITONICS Campaigns

Agile innovation portfolios

The toughest call in innovation is budget. As soon as all the ideas, concepts, business models, and initiatives are defined, categorized, and evaluated, somebody has to put the money where their mouth is.

Mapping corporate strategy and innovation happen right here, within the ITONICS Portfolio and ITONICS Roadmapping. Every innovation initiative, project, and activity is connected to strategic goals. This includes budgets, risks, resources, partners, and your individual criteria. Transparency and governance are guaranteed with this single point of truth and all synergies and dependencies within the innovation and R&D activities.

With that baseline, ITONICS allows for an agile and always up-to-date management of the innovation portfolio across business units, regions, brands, and countries.

Learn more about ITONICS Portfolio

Align corporate strategy and innovation with confidence


Customizable criteria enable team members and external experts to rate content in a way that combines collective knowledge.

Learn more about Foresight Features.


Encourage team and stakeholder involvement with easy content sharing, collaborative ratings, and engagement features.

Learn more about Ideation Features.


Incentivize and motivate your whole organization to participate with leaderboards, badges, and activity points.

Learn more about Ideation Features.

Matrix View

Optimize your innovation portfolio by evaluating risk and potential with matrix visualizations.

Learn more about Portfolio Features.


Provide a shared understanding of your organization’s innovations efforts to keep everyone in the loop and enhance strategic decision-making.

Learn more about Portfolio Features.

Risk Radars

Establish an early-warning system with a configurable risk radar to monitor threats to your company.

Learn more about Radar.

Filter and Visualize

Distill vast amounts of data with advanced filtering to easily visualize and emphasize what matters.

Learn more about Foresight Features.

Ideation Campaigns

Spark and collect disruptive ideas with global submissions and effortlessly move them to implementation.

Learn more about Campaigns.


Get quick status overviews on innovation initiatives and report on these easily.

Learn more about Ideation Features.

Kanban Boards

Manage work-in-progress, maximize flow, and prioritize your most valuable initiatives using interactive Kanban Board.

Learn more about Kanban Boards.

Innovation Roadmaps

Accelerate time-to-market with multilayer roadmaps. Align the efforts of different business units and execute your strategy.

Learn more about Roadmaps.

Empower everybody to innovate. Today.

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A single point of truth to empower your corporate strategy

Read more on our unique, proven methodology that covers the following innovation questions: Where to Play, How to Win, and What to Execute.

Corporate Strategy and Innovation Process

Best-practice stories from true innovation rockstars


Steering PostFinance towards innovative horizons

How VNTR—the innovation and venturing unit at PostFinance—streamlines and integrates the company-wide innovation process using ITONICS Innovation OS.

See the results

Driving innovation with corporate foresight at Intel

In this podcast episode, we discuss the Intel Corporate Foresight Program with John Miranda, Director of Strategy, Office Data Center, and the AI Group. Learn how Intel operates a global trend community to continuously shape the company's course.

Tune in

How Siemens Energy accelerates digitalization and innovation

As the digital backbone of all topics related to internal digitalization targeting the profitability increase, innovation, and cybersecurity, Siemens Energy's Orbit Ecosystem is designed to strengthen transparency and cross-organizational collaboration to future-proof the entire organization.

See the results

Innovation growth boards at Moody's Analytics

In this episode, Danielle Ferry, Senior Director for New Product Innovation, introduces us to Moody’s Innovation Growth Boards. We learn: What it takes to build an innovation growth board. How to gain commitment and support from the senior-most level. Which indicators to use to measure the success of a growth board.

Tune in

Know what's hot in innovation before others do


Innovation Playbook

The innovation manager's playbook to organize innovation for winning.
Download Playbook