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ITONICS Achieves ISO 27001:2022 Recertification

ITONICS has been recertified for ISO 27001:2022, the latest iteration of the globally recognized standard for information security management systems. This certification serves as a testament to our ongoing commitment to ensuring the highest level of security for our clients' data.

The ISO 27001 certification is a cornerstone for organizations aiming to establish best practices for managing sensitive information, such as financial data and personal information, to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability. With this recertification, ITONICS can provide our clients with the assurance that their data is being managed in accordance with international best practices.

Since the initial certification in 2017, ITONICS has consistently demonstrated compliance with the ISO 27001 standard through regular audits and assessments. We are proud to have maintained our certification for more than six years, proving that our information security management system is world-class and in line with globally recognized standards.

Stephan B


Through this recertification, ITONICS has proven to maintain a world-class information security management system that adheres to these well-known and globally recognized standards. This is a testament to the collective effort of our entire team and underscores the critical role of information security in driving innovation, foresight, and strategy for our clients worldwide.

Stephan Burger, COO, ITONICS

At ITONICS, we place a high value on our clients' data security and privacy, and this recertification underscores our ongoing commitment to maintaining the highest levels of information security. We remain dedicated to upholding this high standard and to providing our clients with innovative and secure solutions that fulfill their business needs.


ITONICS provides the #1 Innovation Operating System (OS) for organizations seeking to operationalize innovation and drive growth systematically. Unlike traditional innovation management software, the ITONICS Innovation OS seamlessly connects foresight, ideation, and portfolio activities with your strategic goals in one collaborative system. Centralize your innovation intelligence, break down information silos, align efforts, and steer decision-making to move from strategy to execution with speed and agility.