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Featured image: Digitalization Trends in Focus at TH Nuremberg

Digitalization Trends in Focus at TH Nuremberg

ITONICS recognizes the importance of promoting education and future innovation experts. We are therefore particularly pleased about the cooperation with the Faculty of Business Administration at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm as a regional cooperation partner.

As part of the cooperation initiated by ITONICS founder and chairman Dr. Michael Durst and Prof. Dr. Christian Langenbach from the Faculty of Business Administration at TH Nuremberg, students of the elective subject "Digitalization - current topics and fields of action" had the opportunity to use the ITONICS platform. With the help of our Innovation OS, the group researched current and industry-specific digitalization trends and technologies, analyzed and evaluated them using tools such as ITONICS Radar, Portfolio, Matrix, Network Graph, and Roadmap, and finally derived implications and options for action for the respective industry.

The results of this work were recently presented in a poster session in the faculty building. The highly interactive event far exceeded the planned time frame due to the in-depth discussions, which covered legal, ethical, and philosophical topics in addition to technical ones. These reflected the enormous impact of digitalization in all areas of society.

In view of the successful results and positive feedback, a continuation of the teaching cooperation is already planned for next year. This will offer further students the opportunity to deal with the complex aspects of digitalization and the resulting potential, particularly for the economic sector, in a tool-, method- and topic-oriented manner.

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Images: Faculty of Business Administration (TH Nuremberg)

About ITONICS university cooperations

As part of the ITONICS Campus Program, we offer academic institutions the opportunity to use our innovation management software in courses to teach students about software-supported innovation management in practice. Professors, lecturers and university staff receive six months' free access to the platform. In addition, our innovation experts provide support with guest lectures.

If you are also interested in working with ITONICS, simply register for the Campus Program or contact us for any further inquiries.