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Supercharge Your Ideation with ITONICS GenAI-Powered Smart Ideation

In the dynamic world of innovation, where groundbreaking ideas drive progress, the ability to generate high-quality concepts rapidly and systematically is a coveted asset.

Recognizing the challenges of fostering active participation in ideation campaigns, often hindered by the overwhelming and time-consuming idea submission process, ITONICS has pioneered a revolutionary solution: ITONICS Smart Ideation. Designed with ideation teams and global idea contributors in mind, Smart Ideation will transform how ideas are conceived and submitted.

By harnessing the game-changing capabilities of Generative AI (GenAI), ITONICS Smart Ideation doesn't just aim to accelerate the pace of idea generation, but also to elevate the quality of ideas produced.

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Why ITONICS Smart Ideation?

Active, continuous, and quality engagement in ideation campaigns and open innovation is crucial. It helps maintain a consistent flow of ideas, solution proposals, and concepts in your innovation pipeline, but it can be demanding. Cumbersome submission procedures can deter potential contributors, while creative roadblocks can hinder the brainstorming process for some.

These challenges, compounded by cultural hurdles, time constraints, and the perpetual struggle to foster innovation in large organizations, have long been common roadblocks in the innovation journey.

On the other hand, navigating a sea of ideas to uncover the hidden gems can be time-consuming and daunting. It's common to encounter numerous submissions that don't align with an organization's objectives and vision. Furthermore, as the ideation process scales, the laborious nature of manual evaluation and selection becomes increasingly burdensome. This leaves organizations grappling with the challenge of efficiently managing and selecting ideas that genuinely hold potential for innovation and growth.

ITONICS Smart Ideation is a transformative solution that empowers innovation teams and idea contributors by harnessing the immense potential of GenAI.

ITONICS Smart Ideation using GenAI

ITONICS Smart Ideation using GenAI

What is ITONICS Smart Ideation?

With the power of GenAI at your disposal, you can now swiftly generate ideation campaigns and individual ideas guided by a range of prompts that accelerate the generation of descriptions with lightning speed. This saves invaluable time and enhances the quality of ideas submitted. Imagine evaluating incoming ideas in the blink of an eye, streamlining the initial identification process based on precise AI-generated assessments.

Smart Ideation isn't solely a game-changer for campaign managers; it also simplifies the journey for idea submitters. It speeds up the creation of idea descriptions through prompt-based assistance, making the idea submission process faster and more efficient.

It also injects an element of fun into ideation while ensuring that high-quality ideas are delivered promptly. Smart Ideation takes this a step further by rating your ideas automatically based on predefined criteria, simplifying the process of identifying the cream of the crop.

Whether you're a campaign manager or an idea submitter, you can now infuse GenAI-powered creativity into your campaigns, concepts, and submissions. The hassle of formatting submission descriptions is a thing of the past, freeing you and your teams to focus on other pressing tasks. Smart Ideation offers a range of prompts to place ideas in the context of your industry and vertical, and automates rating in a stage-gate process.

Your ideation process just got a whole lot smarter!

Designed to unleash the speed and quality of ideation

Innovation campaigns set up, idea submissions and collaborative evaluations are time-consuming and demand considerable effort from your teams. This is often exacerbated by the complexity of submitting ideas, especially when contributors feel they need help to write comprehensive descriptions or struggle with the process. Moreover, evaluating ideas can be lengthy, further delaying the innovation cycle.

Smart Ideation streamlines ideation to create faster, more deliberate campaigns and idea submissions. From continuous improvement campaigns to massive, global open innovation initiatives, the ITONICS Innovation OS is your competitive advantage for speed and quality in ideation. Enable internal and external brilliant minds with ITONICS Ideation to help solve your most pressing challenges. Find, evaluate, feedback, and explore adjacent and disruptive innovations much faster than today.