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Deutschlandstipendium: ITONICS Supports Young Talents at TH Nuremberg

In an effort to foster young talents and empower the next generation of innovation professionals, ITONICS has supported the "Deutschlandstipendium" - a national scholarship program initiated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany - at the Technische Hochschule Georg Simon Ohm (TH Nürnberg) since October 2022.

Building on the success of our collaboration, ITONICS remains committed to supporting the Deutschlandstipendium program at TH Nürnberg. We are thrilled to announce the continuation of our partnership with TH Nürnberg for the 2023/2024 academic year.

The decision to extend the partnership was motivated by the positive experiences and remarkable achievements of Carina Hecht, a current recipient of the Deutschlandstipendium, who has been supported by ITONICS during her Supply Chain Management Master's degree. Carina's exceptional dedication and enthusiasm have proven to be an inspiration for both ITONICS and TH Nürnberg.

Recognizing the importance of personal connections, we have invited Carina to our Nuremberg office, providing her with an opportunity to engage with the team and experience firsthand the vibrant work environment. By establishing this direct connection, we aim to go beyond being an invisible funder and actively contribute to the student's personal and professional growth.

Reflecting on her experience with ITONICS, Carina shared her gratitude for the unwavering support she received throughout her studies.

I am very grateful that ITONICS supported me during my Master's degree. The warm welcome I received from all colleagues during our personal meeting made me feel very enthusiastic about the young dynamic team and the relaxed and positive working atmosphere at ITONICS.

Being a beneficiary of the Deutschlandstipendium through ITONICS, Carina also highlighted the comprehensive assistance she received from ITONICS:

As part of the scholarship, I was offered an 'internship day' at ITONICS, which allowed me to gain insights into various areas of work. Moreover, I received all possible forms of assistance for different aspects of my studies. I am sincerely thankful for everything.

With our continued commitment to the Deutschlandstipendium program and TH Nürnberg, we reaffirm our dedication to nurturing young talents and contributing to the academic and professional development of students. By providing financial aid, mentorship opportunities, and a welcoming work environment, ITONICS strives to create a platform where young individuals can thrive and realize their full potential.

As the partnership between ITONICS and TH Nürnberg for the 2023/2024 academic year takes shape, we anticipate further accomplishments and look forward to empowering more aspiring students like Carina in their pursuit of knowledge and excellence.